Property News
Ferias and Holidays
Unlike in England, Spain recognises Saint´s Days and each town and municipality has it´s own day to celebrate. There are also a few days when the town has one big party (“feria”) and the atmosphere is incredible.
Ronda´s Festival of Pedro Romero occurs within the first week of September every year and includes a procession of people wearing traditional Spanish dress that precedes a bullfight. Holy Week occurs in mid March and is a serious celebration of Mary and Jesus. Statues are carried through the town and the whole town will come to watch. Finally in February Ronda holds its annual carnival which is a lot of fun and a lot of atmosphere. For more information on the events of Ronda visit this website.
Casares has an annual feria named the Feria del Santo Cristo that occurs in the middle of September for three days. There is also a mediaeval market in mid July that is great fun as all the stalls sell interesting handmade goods and the sellers are wearing mediaeval dress.
Jimena de la Frontera
Jimena has a carnival at the start of March and another in mid May. There is also an International Music Festival that takes place in the beginning of July. For more information on the many events that take place annually in Jimena and its surroundings, visit this website.
During the second week of August, Gaucín celebrates La Virgen de las Nieves (the patron Saint of Gaucín) this offers a wonderful procession of horses and traditional dress, followed by a town party. Around the time of the 8th of September, Santo Niño fiesta takes place which celebrates the vision of Jesus to Saint John (San Juan) a procession takes place through the streets starting at the castle. For more information on the festivals of Gaucín visit this website.
By Eloise Horsfield | Property News | December 29th, 2009
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